17 Sdg Goals Upsc : Sustainable development goals

UN Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable Development Goals aims at addressing issues like poverty, water, health, sanitation, education etc. The 2030 Agenda for UN Sustainable Development were adopted by all the UN Members in 2015. It provides shared planning or blueprints for peace and prosperity for the people around the globe today and tomorrow.

To propose the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the General Assembly has set up a 30 member Open Working Group in 2013.

global goals for sustainable development
17 Sustainable Development Goals

Causes of sustainable development

The need for sustainable development starts with the average global temperature and climate change that caused it.

As per the world meteorological Organization (WMO), the year 2016 was the warmest year with a temperature of 1° C more than the pre-industrial era and this is due to El Nino and warming by greenhouse gases.

This has been increasing since the industrial revolution.

According to the international energy agency report of 2015 the concentration of CO2 in 2014 what’s greater than in the 1800s.

The energy sector was the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and Co2 has the largest share.

The global emission profile shows the distribution is very unequal among different nations.

For example, the emission of carbon dioxide from the USA, EU, and China is the greatest among all the countries.

India with 39gt of carbon dioxide emission is comparatively less than USA 232 gt, the European union 190 .2 gt, and China’s 176.2 gt.

Both absolute and Per capita emissions India is way behind the three major carbon dioxide emitters.

The composition pattern reflects different varieties for different countries what example Indian, China from the manufacturing industry which emits CO2 on the other hand CO2 emission is large in fuel combustion electricity in the USA and EU.

SDG Goals

  • The UN general assembly in the 17th session in September 2015 announced 17 set goals and 169 targets.
  • These 17 goals and 169 targets for the next 15 years.
  • This replaces the Millennium development goals (MDG) ending in 2015 and trying to work in the areas which are not completed.
  • These goals were proposed in the United Nations conference Rio+20 on sustainable development in July 2012.
  • These sustainable development goals will be effective from 2016 to 2030.

Major highlights of sustainable development goals.

  • Eradicating poverty and combating the inequalities.
  • Women and girl empowerment and promoting gender equality.
  • Improving the health, education, and making the cities much more sustainable.
  • Combating climate change, protecting the oceans and the forest.
  • Integrating social economic and environmental dimensions.
  • Sustainable development with the global partnership.
  • Effective follow-up and review architecture
  • Enhancing capacities of the stakeholders in better quality assessment.
  • Sustainable development using a compilation of data and information.

Purpose of SDG goals targets and indicators?

  • The sustainable development goals are the blueprint to achieve a sustainable and better future for all.
  • The SDG tries to address the all-around global challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate changes, degradation of the environment, justice peace, etc.
  • The 2030 Agenda for sustainable development provides a blueprint for peace, prosperity, and dignity for the people of today and for the future.

The number of Sdg goals targets and indicators?

  • The 17 SDG are defined in a list of 169 SDG targets.
  • The Progress towards these 169 targets is agreed to be tracked by 232 unique indicators.
    • SDG Background
    •  1: No Poverty.
    •  2: Zero Hunger.
    • 3: Good Health and Well-being.
    • 4: Quality Education.
    • 5: Gender Equality.
    • 6: Clean Water and Sanitation.
    • 7: Affordable and Clean Energy.
    • 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    • 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
    • 10: Reduced Inequalities
    • 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    • 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
    • 13: Climate Action
    • 14: Life Below Water
    • 15: Life on Land
    • 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
    • 17: Partnerships for the Goals
    • SDG Cross-Cutting SDG Issues


SDG goals targets and indicators aspire to ensure the health and well being of the people, animals, nature etc. It is a bold commitment to end epidemics such as TB, Malaria, Aids etc by 2030.

It also tries to achieve universal health coverage, to provide safe and effective access to medicine and vaccines for all the people animals. This is what mentioned in SDG3.

By eradicating poverty, health issues, women and child abuse, racial abuse and abuse of environment, we could achieve the dream Sustainable development goals.


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