Gandhi wanted the central government to have less power and wanted the villages to rule themselves traditionally with village chiefs and councilors.
According to Ambedkar, the village possessed a cruel reality of communalism and a caste system, which will lead to problems for the minorities.
Gandhi through his social and political initiatives facilitated the county to realize the power of people which could be facilitated only by effective local self-government.
Gandhi again emphasized the need for power in the hands of the people in India by the Panchayat Raj model.
For Ambedkar, those villages were nothing “but a sink of localism, a den of ignorance and communalism.”
According to Ambedkar, the dominant and influential communities would make villages monopoly and that will make other communities voiceless.
The result was that the constitution that was drafted under Ambedkar Chairmanship did no mention a word about Panchayat Raj.
Many Gandhi followers persuaded the committee to have a provision for village Panchayat in Part IV of the Indian constitution titled Directive Principle of State Policy vesting the responsibility in the State legislature.
Article 40 states that the state shall take steps to organize village panchayat and endow them with such powers and authority as may be necessary to enable them to function as units of self-government.