Prehistoric period and culture in India Upsc

Stone age in India Upsc

In India, the prehistoric period is divided into the Paleolithic (Old Stone Age), Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age), Neolithic (New Stone Age), and Metal Age. However, these periods were not uniform throughout the Indian subcontinent. The dating of the prehistoric period is done scientifically. The technique of radiocarbon dating is commonly used for this purpose. It … Read more

The Last Mughal Ruler: A Tale of Empire’s Twilight

The Mughal Empire History, Conquest, Art and Culture Upsc

Last Mughal Ruler The Mughal Empire, a once-mighty dynasty that spanned the Indian subcontinent, reached its zenith under the rule of illustrious emperors such as Akbar, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzeb. However, as the pages of history turned, the empire faced inevitable decline. In this blog post, we delve into the poignant story of the last … Read more

Indus Valley civilization Tnpsc notes pdf

Indus Seals

Indus Valley civilization Around 3BCE, a civilization around the current northwest part of the India, Pakistan region collectively known as the Indus Valley Civilization also known as the Harappan Civilization. It is also called a Harappan Civilization since it was first identified. This region appeared in different phase histories such as Early Harappan which existed … Read more

Classification of living organisms Tnpsc

Classification of living organisms Tnpsc

Early classification of organisms were based on only two criteria, beneficial or harmful animals. An ancient classification system recognized 5 animal groups – domestic, wild, creeping, flying andsea animals. Initially the classification was based on organism’s fundamental characteristics such as the habitat and morphology only. Aristotle (384 to 322 BC), was the first to classify … Read more

Monsoon rainfall weather and climate in India Tnpsc

South west monsoon and rainfall in India

Climate of India primarily categorised as Winter during January to february, Pre-Monsoon or Summer during March to May, Southwest monsoon during June to September and Northeast Monsoon during October to December

Bahmani kingdom Tnpsc pdf Notes

Bahmani kingdom and its territories

Bahmani Kingdom History Bahmani Kingdom’s History starts with Hasan Gangu. The Bahmani kingdom was founded by Hasan Gangu also known as Alauddin Bahman Shah in 1347 and it was ruled by fourteen sultans. Capital of Bahmani Kingdom The capital of bahmani dynasty is Gulbarga. Then the capital was shifted from Gulbarga to Bidar by Ahmad … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.