Economics Notes Links

Economic Topics 1.Human Development Report and Indices Physical Quality Life Index (PQLI) Technology Achievement Index(TAI) Gender Development Index(GDI) Human Poverty Index(HPI) Human Development Index(HDI) 2. Poverty and Unemployment 3. Banking RBI Commercial Banks Monetary 4. Fiscal / Budgetary Policy Revenue Expenditure Recommendation of the 125 th finance commitee. 5.  Inflation- 6. Stock Market 7. Foreign … Read more

Physical quality of life index Upsc

Pqli was developed and originally conceived by Jan Tinbergen who is the first noble economics laureate in the mid-1970s. Prepared every year by the overseas department council by Morris David Morris, a private US agency. Morris David Morris created Pqli that assessed the condition in the nation from factors such as Life Expectancy, Basic Literacy … Read more

Technology Achievement Index 2020 Upsc

Technology achievement index Technology achievement index is an index that calculates the country’s skills with respect to the latest technologies such as working, innovation, etc. This index was introduced in the HDR for the year 2001 by UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) to calculate the capacity of a nation to create or innovate technology, diffuse … Read more

Gender Development Index Upsc

Gender development index definition The GDI is the ratio of the HDIs calculated separately for females and males using the same methodology as in the HDI. It is a direct measure of the gender gap showing the female HDI as a percentage of the male HDI.  What is gender related development index? Gender Development Index … Read more

Human Poverty and Human Poverty Index Upsc

Human Poverty Index

Human Poverty When a Human is unable to get nutritious food, shelter, and education, or if children are forced into Child Labour, or a Human or community faces social discrimination such as Caste discrimination, then they come under Human Poverty. In Several countries, Women, Elderly or Old age people, and female children are the poorest … Read more

Pillars of human development-Human Development Index Upsc

First Human Development Report was published in 1990. First Person to develop this is Dr. Mahbub-ul-Haq and Prof Amartya Sen with the leadership of Dr. Haq. The title of the human development report in 2019 is ” Beyond income, beyond averages, beyond today: Inequalities in human development in the 21st century”. HDR is brought out … Read more

Union Budget 2020-21 and Reforms to Energize Economy

union budget 2020-21

The Highlights of Union Budget 2021 are as follows 3 Most Important Theme of Union Budget 2020-21 The themes of the budget are Aspirational India, Economic development for all, and Caring Society. Aspirational India is the country with better standards of life with health access, jobs and education for all section of the society. Economic … Read more

Head mirror Uses

Light - Tnpsc

Uses of Concave Mirror // Note: Images formed by Concave mirrors are diminished and inverted, yet they are used in telescopes. The head mirror used by ent doctors is concave or convex? The heart mirror used by End doctors is a Concave mirror. It is because the concave mirror combines all the light rays from … Read more

Health and hygiene Tnpsc, Food and Health awareness campaign

Health and Hygiene

This article is written for Tnpsc General Science -Biology, for the topic Health and Hygiene.

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.