Indian Bronze Sculpture Upsc

Indian Sculptors and Bronze Mastery Indian sculptors had mastered the bronze medium and the casting process as much as they had mastered terracotta sculpture and carving in stone. The cire-perdu or ‘lost-wax’ process for casting was learnt as long ago as the Indus Valley Culture. Along with it was discovered the process of making alloy … Read more

Art, Jewellery and craft of Indus valley Civilization Upsc

Arts of the Indus Valley-Beared man with bust

The arts of the Indus valley civilization came throughout the last half of 3000 BCE. The artworks of the Indus valley civilization embrace Sculptures, seals, pottery, gold ornaments, terracotta models, etc. The artworks of the Indus Valley Civilization are extremely realistic in the portrayal of human and animal figures. The two major sites of this … Read more

Relationship between DNA, Genes, Chromosomes and Traits Tnpsc

Genetics- Twins

Tnpsc: Genetics, DNA, Genes and Chromosomes What is Genetics? Genetics is the branch of biology that deals with the genes, genetic variation, and heredity of living organisms. What is heredity? It is the character transmission from one generation to the next generation. What is Variation? It is the differences exhibited by the individuals of the … Read more

Fdi advantages and disadvantages Upsc

Foreign Direct Investment

Foreign direct investment UPSC Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)  means an investment in another nation that involves some degree of control and participation in management. It corresponds to the investment made by an investor from one country to a foreign country. It is not the same as portfolio investment, which is basically short-term and it does … Read more

Components of Balance of payment of India Upsc

balance of payments

What is the Balance of Payments? Balance of Payments is the record of the transaction of goods and services, assets between the residents of the country with the rest of the world for a specified period of time typically one year. A payment is received from a foreign nation is credit and similarly, payment is … Read more

India BRICS relations UPSC


Brics full form is Brazil Russia India China South Africa. These are Brics country that is associated with. It was formulated in 2001 by economist Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs,  in a report on growth prospects for the economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China which accounts for lions shared in World’s Production and Population. … Read more

Asean Upsc – Politics, Economic, Security Cooperation


ASEAN ASEAN is a regional grouping that promotes economic, political, and security cooperation among its ten members: It was established in 1967 on August 8 by five countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. It was formed to create a common front against the spread of communism and promote political, and economic stability amid rising … Read more

Saarc Upsc


Origin of Saarc The SAARC or South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation is an organization of South Asian Nations established on Dec 8, 1985. It is established for the promotion of economic and social progress, cultural development within its members. The members are India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. In April 2007, … Read more

Imf upsc – International monetary fund functions and objectives

International Monetary Fund- Tnpsc Group-1 Mains Notes

International monetary fund’s Role and functions The aim of the IMF(International Monetary Fund) is to promote economic and financial cooperation between its members. It is established to assist its member nation over the BOP(Balance of Payments) disequilibrium in a short time. It has a currency of 189 members and the Republic of Nauru joined in … Read more

Foreign Direct Investment in India Upsc

Foreign Direct Investment Meaning Foreign direct investment (FDI) is a type of controlling ownership in a business entity in another country. It is differentiated from the Foreign Portfolio Investment by the notion of direct control. FDI is an investment that is either inorganically by buying a company in a foreign country or expanding the operation … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.