Current events for Tnpsc Exam

The best way to prepare for Current Affairs is to read the newspaper daily. The main section to read is Editorial Section is Hindu Paper.

Also, see Sansad TV, daily for current happenings in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Also, I’ll list down some famous and must-read books for current affairs.

  1. India 2021 – It is official book of Indian Government

2. Manorama – It is the most famous widely used for Upsc aspirants for Current Affairs.

3. Yojana – Yojana Magazine is a monthly magazine published by the Government of India. This book is about the economic development of the people. This magazine is essential as it gives a glimpse of schemes at ground level.

4 Competitive Success – This is yet another famous book amount Upsc aspirants. This book is similar to Manorama. Also one can get a yearbook in January.


One can get these books on Amazon and also get through a monthly subscription. But the monthly subscription is a better option as the Current affair needs to be prepared every day through newspapers and every month through these monthly magazines. This is because one cannot or possibly cover one year’s news and current affairs just a week or month before the exam.