Construction and working of Laser Tnpsc

Laser This article is compiled for the topic “ Laser” in General Studies Tnpsc. This note is compiled from Samacheer Kalvi Book. This note is for revision only. Kindly refer to the Original Samacheer Kalvi book for more clarity. Laser meaning or laser full form is light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation. The … Read more

Sound Tnpsc Notes

This article is written for the Tnpsc exam for the topic ‘Sound’, in General studies. Science part (Physics). This note is for quick revision purposes only, Kindly refer to Samacheer Kalvi Book. What is sound in physics? Sound is a type of energy that creates a sensation in our ears. Sound in physics is the … Read more

Nuclear physics basics and Nuclear technology Upsc

Nuclear Physics tnpsc

Basics of Nuclear Science Here’s a table summarizing the basics of nuclear physics, covering important concepts, terms, and their significance: Concept/Term Explanation Significance Nucleus The central core of an atom, made up of protons and neutrons. The nucleus contains most of the atom’s mass and is responsible for its nuclear properties. Proton A positively charged … Read more

Nature of Universe Tnspc notes

Earth and Universe, Nature of Universe - Solar System

The universe is all of space and time and its contents. The universe consists of all of existence, fundamental interaction, physical processes, and all forms of energy and matter and the structures they form, from the sub-atomic particles to entire galaxies. Three most basic types of Universe are and is concerning three possible shapes, that … Read more

Power of Reasoning Rote Learning Vs Conceptual Learning Tnpsc

Power of Reasoning Rote Learning Vs Conceptual Learning Tnpsc

Rote Learning Rote Learning is something, that a child needs the foundation to be strong needs rote learning. It is a type of learning, that requires a child or student needs to remember the facts, and knowledge without a need to understand. It is just like storing data on a memory card. Such learning is … Read more

Human Diseases Tnpsc

Human Diseases Tnpsc

Disease A disease is a particular abnormal condition that adversely affects the structure or function of an organism. Diseases can be caused by various factors, including pathogens (like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa), genetic mutations, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices. Human Diseases It is divided into types Congenital and Acquired Diseases. The Acquired disease is … Read more

Relationship between DNA, Genes, Chromosomes and Traits Tnpsc

Genetics- Twins

Tnpsc: Genetics, DNA, Genes and Chromosomes What is Genetics? Genetics is the branch of biology that deals with the genes, genetic variation, and heredity of living organisms. What is heredity? It is the character transmission from one generation to the next generation. What is Variation? It is the differences exhibited by the individuals of the … Read more

Head mirror Uses

Light - Tnpsc

Uses of Concave Mirror // Note: Images formed by Concave mirrors are diminished and inverted, yet they are used in telescopes. The head mirror used by ent doctors is concave or convex? The heart mirror used by End doctors is a Concave mirror. It is because the concave mirror combines all the light rays from … Read more

Health and hygiene Tnpsc, Food and Health awareness campaign

Health and Hygiene

This article is written for Tnpsc General Science -Biology, for the topic Health and Hygiene.

Acids Bases and Salts Tnpsc

This article is written for the Tnpsc exam for the topic  “Acids, Bases, Salts“. This is prepared from Samacheer Kalvi’s books. Let’s study acid, bases, salts, and how are acids, bases, and salts distinguished from one another? Acid and base difference Acids, Bases, and Salts are used in daily life. Ex: Soap, Juice, Detergent, etc. … Read more