Radioactivity Unit of Measurement and Types of Radioactivity Upsc

Radioactivity and its types and its Units

Units of Radioactivity There are four common units of measurement in Radioactivity in nuclear Physics. They are Curie, Rutherford, Becquerel, and Roentgen. Curie It is defined as the quantity of a radioactive substance that undergoes 3.7 x 10 10 disintegrations per second. Referred from 1 gm of radium 226. Rutherford (RD) It is defined as … Read more

Radioactive displacement law in nuclear chemistry

Radioactive displacement law in nuclear chemistry

Radioactive Displacement Law Soddy and Fajan proposed displacement laws concerning the daughter nucleus produced during an alpha and beta decay. We state them below: It emits the alpha particle when the daughter nucleus is formed. The atomic number is less by 2 units and the mass number is less by 4 units than the parent … Read more

Properties of Alpha, Beta, and Gamma rays

Properties of Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays

Alpha, Beta and Gamma Rays Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Rays are emitted when a radioactive nucleus undergoes disintegration naturally or induced. Properties of Alpha (α) It is the Helium Nucleus 2 He 4  that has two protons and two neutrons. It is a positively charged particle, the charge of each particle is +2e. The Ionising … Read more

3 types of heat transfer examples

3 types of heat transfer examples

Conduction The molecules in the solids are tightly packed. When heated at one end, the molecule absorbs heat and it vibrates in its position, and the molecule at the other gets heated. These heated molecules, in turn, heat other molecules, till everything gets heated. “The process of heat transfer in solids from an area of … Read more

Types of thermometers and how they work

Types of thermometers Clinical Thermometers, Laboratory Thermometers, and Digital Thermometers Clinical Thermometers These thermometers are used in hospitals, clinics, and also in the home. These thermometers will have a Kink. Kink meaning in a thermometer – It is used to prevent mercury from falling back into the bulb immediately. This is done for convenience for … Read more

Why Mercury or Alcohol is used in thermometers?

Why Mercury or Alcohol is used in Thermometer

Mercury and Alcohol are used in the thermometer because they remain in liquid form with temperature change. The best conductor of heat among liquids is mercury and also it does not stick to any surface, so it is widely used in thermometers Even a small change in temperature changes the volume of the Alcohol or … Read more

Input transducer in communication system

Input transducer in communication system

Input Transducer A transducer is a device that converts the change in a physical quantity such as pressure, temperature, sound to an electrical signal or vice versa. The transducer converts the information which is in the form of sound, music, pictures or computer data to electrical signals. The microphone is an example of a transducer … Read more

Nuclear power plants in India Upsc

Nuclear power plants in India Upsc

Nuclear power plants in India India’s Nuclear programme had its origin in March 1944, which was started by Homi Jehangir Bhabha who founded the Nuclear research centre, at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. As of October 2021, there are 7 nuclear power plants in India and 23 nuclear reactors are operational. Its total installed … Read more

Nuclear fission and Fusion Upsc

Nuclear fission and Fusion Upsc

What are two types of Nuclear Reaction? Basically, there are two types of reactions in nuclear energy production they are Fission and Fusion reactions. Nuclear fission German scientists, Otto Hahn, and F.Strassman in 1939 discovered that when Uranium Nucleus is bombarded with a neutron, it splits into two smaller Nuclei among with emission of neutrons … Read more

Fertilizers and pesticides tnpsc notes

Fertilizers Pesticides Insecticides Tnpsc

Manures and Fertilizers Manures are decomposed and organic matter that is derived from animals and plants. As it supplies nutrients to the crops and plants, it is also beneficial in different ways. Manures also enhance the biological activities in the soil, aeration and also improve the water holding capacity of the soil. As these Manures … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.