Glacial depositional landforms and their features Upsc

Glacial depositional landforms Glacial depositional landforms are formed from the action of glaciers. Most of the Glacial depositional landforms are formed by the movement of large ice sheets. Most of the famous areas for such glacier landforms are Fennoscandia, Andes, etc. Formation The unsorted sediments, unassorted coarse and fine debris are dropped from the glacier … Read more

Erosional landforms of glacier Upsc

Cirque Cirques are the most common landforms in glaciated mountains. The cirques quite often are found at the heads of glacial valleys. The accumulated ice cuts these cirques while moving down the mountain tops. They are deep, long, and wide troughs or basins with very steep concave to vertically dropping high walls at its head … Read more

Transportation and Deposition of Rocks Upsc

Transportation and Deposition of Rocks Upsc

Transportation and Deposition of Rocks Erosion is a natural process by the top layer of soil, rock or material on the surface of earth is removed by transported to another location by means of water, wind etc. Weathering is an important process, which is part of erosion where is helps in break down of rock … Read more

Mass movement Upsc

The rocks debris is transferred down the slopes due to gravity. It also suggests that the debris is not influenced by Air, water, or Ice to move from place to place. But the debris moves the water, ice, and Air. The mass movements also called slope movement or mass wasting are both slow and fast … Read more

Weathering and its Types Upsc

Weathering Definition The earth materials such as rocks are subjected to the action of elements of weather and climate such as Ice, water, wind etc. These elements of weather act individually or together to affect earth materials such as rock and reduce them to fragments. Altogether, It is defined as the decomposition of rocks by … Read more

Diastrophism Process Upsc

Diastrophism Process Upsc

Diastrophism in Geography Definition All the processes which move, elevate or build up portions of the earth crust comes under Diastrophism. Orogenic The processes involving mountain building by severe folding and affecting long and narrow belts of the earth crust. In this process, the crust is severely deformed into folds. Epeirogenic The process that involves … Read more

Post drift studies Upsc

Post drift studies Upsc

Post-Drift Studies The post-world war -II period added new information regarding the continents. In particular, the ocean floor mapping gave new dimensions in the field of study of oceans and continents. Convectional Current Theory The convection currents operating in the mantle portion were discussed by Arthur Holmes in the 1930s. These currents are caused by … Read more

Intrusive and Extrusive volcanic landforms Upsc

Volcanic Landforms The landform formed due to volcanic eruptions is divided into extrusive and intrusive landforms. This is based on the magma, that cools within the crust or above the crust. Intrusive landforms are formed under the surface of the earth when the magma cools and gets solidified. Extrusive landforms are formed when the magma … Read more