Non Conventional Sources of Energy Upsc

Non-conventional sources of energy Non Conventional sources of energy are the ones which are renewable, eco-friendly, pollution-free and they are alternative to conventional energy sources such as Coal, Petroleum etc. Examples are Wind, Solar, Hydro, Tidal-Wave, Biomass Energy etc. Use of Non-conventional Sources of Energy India heavily depends on Thermal Power, which uses Fossil fuels … Read more

Information communication revolution Upsc

Information communication revolution Evolution of communication technology Production of and trade in commodities are the basis of the economy of any country. For these to go on, smoothly and with efficiency, the most basic need is information exchange. The amount of information exchange depends very much on economic development. With the increase in demand for … Read more

Climate change and its Consequences Tnpsc

Climate change Definition Climate change in IPCC usage refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g. using statistical tests) by changes in the mean and/or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer. Climate change definition by Ipcc Climate change … Read more

Minerals and natural resources in India Tnpsc

The natural resources of India include coal, where India has the fourth largest coal reserve in the world, also several other important mineral reserves such as Iron ore, manganese ore (7th largest reserve), bauxite (5th largest), thorium, etc. The most important natural resources are Oil, coal, natural gas, metals, stone and sand. Of this India … Read more

Development of Road Rail Water and Air routes in India Upsc

Development of Road Rail Water and Air routes in India Upsc

This is Tnpsc notes for Geography. For the topic “Transport”. The notes compiled from Samacheer Kalvi books.

Unveiling the Mysteries of Iraver Formations in Brazil: A Geological Marvel

Iraver Formations in Brazil Brazil, known for its diverse landscapes and rich biodiversity, is home to some of the most fascinating geological formations on the planet. One such marvel that has captivated the attention of scientists and enthusiasts alike is the Iraver Formations. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey to explore … Read more

Forest and wildlife in India Upsc

Types of Forest and Vegetations

Forest and wildlife in India India is one of the world’s richest in biological diversity. Also, several numbers of species are yet to be discovered. Some estimate that 10% of wild flora and 20% of its mammals are on the threatened list. Natural Vegetation and Planted Vegetation Natural vegetation is something that certain plant species … Read more

Geographical features of India for Upsc and other Public service exams

Geographical features of India

The geographical features of India consist of the peninsula which is surrounded by water on three sides, the world’s highest mountain ranges in the north, the desert in Rajasthan, etc. Coast and Land Boundary of India India shares a 15,200 Km land frontier in the west with Pakistan, northwest with Afghanistan, Nepal-China-Bhutan in the north, … Read more

Rivers in India Tnpsc notes

This article discusses the Indian rivers and their tributaries. It also covers west and east flowing rivers in India and types of rivers in India. Rivers in India Rivers in India is an important topic in Civil services, often a number of questions asked from its topic. There are seven major rivers namely Indus, Brahmaputra, … Read more

Monsoon rainfall weather and climate in India Tnpsc

South west monsoon and rainfall in India

Climate of India primarily categorised as Winter during January to february, Pre-Monsoon or Summer during March to May, Southwest monsoon during June to September and Northeast Monsoon during October to December