Nature and causes of poverty in India Upsc
Nature and causes of poverty in India The two big problems faced by several developing countries are poverty and unemployment. These two things are interconnected. The reason why people are poor is that they do not have income, and its reason is unemployment. In some cases, employed people are also poor. Reducing poverty is one … Read more
Land reforms and agriculture Tnpsc
Land tenure system in British India Land tenure is the system of land ownership and management. Land System in India related to: Who owns the land? Who cultivates the land? Who is responsible for paying the land taxes to the government? There were three types land tenure systems that existed in India before Independence. They … Read more
Five year plan Tnpsc
Five year plan in India Five year plan is an economic strategy that allocates the resources of a nation to fulfil the general and specific goals as planned by the government for a specified period. In India, these plans are made for five years and hence are known as five-year plans. These five-year plans are … Read more
Nature of the Indian Economy Tnpsc – Its Salient Feature and Weakness
Indian Economy Indian economy is the 7th largest economy in the world. India maintains, an average growth rate of approximately 7%. India is a developing nation that has a mixed economy. It is characterised by low per capita income, overpopulation, poor infrastructure, maximum population under the poverty line, maximum population high depended on Agriculture directly … Read more
Future of Tamilnadu
// Test or Dummy Post Entrepreneurship development The government of Tamil Nadu must select 100, future Entrepreneurs from various fields Allocate the total budget of 200 crores. Create and register 100 companies, make each of the 100 future Entrepreneurs as the Interm CEO. The CEO is only answerable to the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. … Read more
Fdi advantages and disadvantages Upsc
Foreign direct investment UPSC Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) means an investment in another nation that involves some degree of control and participation in management. It corresponds to the investment made by an investor from one country to a foreign country. It is not the same as portfolio investment, which is basically short-term and it does … Read more
Components of Balance of payment of India Upsc
What is the Balance of Payments? Balance of Payments is the record of the transaction of goods and services, assets between the residents of the country with the rest of the world for a specified period of time typically one year. A payment is received from a foreign nation is credit and similarly, payment is … Read more
India BRICS relations UPSC
Brics full form is Brazil Russia India China South Africa. These are Brics country that is associated with. It was formulated in 2001 by economist Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs, in a report on growth prospects for the economies of Brazil, Russia, India and China which accounts for lions shared in World’s Production and Population. … Read more
Asean Upsc – Politics, Economic, Security Cooperation
ASEAN ASEAN is a regional grouping that promotes economic, political, and security cooperation among its ten members: It was established in 1967 on August 8 by five countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. It was formed to create a common front against the spread of communism and promote political, and economic stability amid rising … Read more