Unemployment problem in India Upsc

Unemployment issues in India and Tamil Nadu

Problem of unemployment in India Unemployment is also part of Macroeconomics as it is aggregated with the economy as a whole. The problem of unemployment gives rise to poverty. Because of the unemployment, the government borrows more, which causes a decrease in production and consumption of goods, which in turn creates more job loss and … Read more

Functions and Composition of Niti aayog Upsc

niti aayog logo

Niti aayog The planning commission was scrapped by a cabinet resolution on 1 January 2015. A new commission was introduced called Niti Aayog. Its full is ‘National Institution for Transforming India‘. It is neither a constitutional body nor a statutory body. This institution decentralized the idea of making the entire planning process. Reason for the … Read more

Demographic profile of India Upsc

Demographic profile of India Upsc

This is an article written for the topic in Tnpsc: “Population in the Indian Economics“ Population Concerning to Indian Economics Demographic trends in India Demography is the scientific study of the characteristics of the population. The factors of the demography trends are: Size of the population – Rate of growth, Birth and death rates, Density … Read more

Employment Assurance scheme in India Upsc

Employment Assurance scheme in India Upsc

Employment Assurance scheme in India Upsc Employment generation is the process of social development that gives people employment opportunities to meet their basic needs. The Problem of poverty can be removed by providing employment and increasing the productivity of a low level of employment. The government is taking several steps to remove poverty from the … Read more

Resource sharing between union and state governments Upsc

Resource sharing between union and state governments Upsc

Central State Financial Relationship (I) Union Sources (II) State Sources Taxes Levied and Collected by the union but Assigned to the States (Art.269) (IV) Duties levied by the Union but collected and Appropriated by the states (Art.268) How the distribution of financial resources is done between the Union government and the state government? How are … Read more

Sources of Revenue of Central and state government in India Tnpsc

Sources of Revenue of Central and state government in India Tnpsc

Sources of tax revenue in India There are two main sources of government revenue, they are Tax Revenue and Non-Tax Revenue. The major source of tax in India is generated from direct taxes such as Income tax, securities transaction tax, corporate income tax, etc. Other important sources of tax revenue are Corporation tax, Customs, Union … Read more

India’s Industrial policy resolution 1956, 1948

Industrial policy resolution 1956, 1948

Industrial Policies in India India is Asia’s third-largest economy, the other is China and Japan. Independence has brought a great change in the socio-economic landscape of India. Important Industrial Policies Prior to 1991 Industrial Policy of India 1948, 1956, 1977, 1980, 1990 & 1991 The economic development of any country heavily depends on the process … Read more

Science and technology in agriculture development in India Upsc

science and technology in agriculture upsc

Application of Science and Technology in agriculture Science and technology play an important role in every field. Here the application of Science and Technology in agriculture generally refers to improving the crop yield, protecting the crop against diseases and pests, the method to store the crops for long life, healthy and high yielding livestock and … Read more

Universal Elementary Education Upsc

Universal Elementary Education in India Upsc

Universal Elementary Education It is to make education available to all the children between the ages of 6 to 14 or in class I – VII. This means the education to all children during Elementary or Primary either by formal education or Informal education. The Universalisation of elementary education has been the most important goal … Read more

Human Development Report and Indices in India Upsc

Human Development Upsc

Human development Index The human development Index (HDI) is a geometric means of life expectancy, education and per capita income. India ranks 131 in United Nations HDI in 2020. The Human Development Index (HDI) is a summary measure of average achievement in key dimensions of human development: a long and healthy life, being knowledgeable and … Read more