Social justice and equality explain the concept

Economic equality can be identified by an individual’s income and the value of the property, he possesses in society. Otherwise, the gap between rich people community and poor may indicate the status of economic equality. Further, by calculating the number of people under the poverty line, we may draw strong inferences and resolutions. This kind … Read more

just distribution of benefits and burdens

When we agreed to the idea that different people in a society must be treated differently, the subsequent question would be who and how we can ensure Justice. Government can and will enact laws to facilitate the just distribution of resources to individuals within a society. Laws simply pave the way for the fair distribution … Read more

Tamil nadu education reforms

New Education – New Requisites The educational system which we had in Ancient India was discriminatory. People were permitted to undergo education on the basis of their own caste. After the introduction of a new education system in modern India, the marginalized communities are not allowed in the mainstream. In south India, new or modern … Read more

Justice Party movement Upsc

Justice Party movement Upsc

The Indian National Congress, a major political organization in India at that time, was dominated by Brahmins who refused to consider the demands of non-brahmin members. The leader of the non-brahmin in the Madras Presidency started to think of a non-brahmin political organization. The political reforms after the First World War and the formation of … Read more

First amendment of the constitution of India Upsc

First Communal Representation Order During the rule of the Justice Party in the Chennai Presidency, the demand for communal representation was reflected in a vigorous manner. The prolonged struggle for communal representation by Justice Party and wide support from the people propelled the central government to make a resolution in this regard in 1921. This … Read more

Obc reservation in India and Tamil Nadu

Expansion of Reservation M.Karunanidhi Sattanathan commission A commission was constituted under the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, M.Karunanidhi known as the Sattanathan Commission. Sattanathan Commission accounted for the welfare of the backward communities. It is based on this commission, Backward Community got 31% and SC/ST received 18% as reservation in 1971. By order (MS No.1156, … Read more

Commissions related to backward classes Upsc

According to article 340 of the Indian Constitution, the President of India can appoint backward classes commission to identify socially and educationally backward groups and also submit recommendations related to their standards and states. constituted the backward classes commission. Kaka Kalelkar Commission The first backward class commission is Kaka Kalelkar Commission. Kaka Kalelkar Commission was … Read more

Indra Sawhney V. Union of India AIR 1993 SC 477

Also known as Mandal Commission Case. In January 1979 under the Chairmanship of B.P.Mandal, the Second Backward Classes Commission under Article 340 was appointed by the Union Government headed by Prime Minister Morarji Desai. One of the major recommendations made by the commission was that, besides the SCs and STs, for other backward classes which … Read more

Measures to control overpopulation

By creating awareness among the people about the consequences of overpopulation. Promotion of Child adoption. Aiming for Single Child Families. Changing social norms, some couples choose not to have a child. Such couples must be supported by all of us. Providing Tax Benefits or concessions to the family that has one or two children.

Facts on Population of India

The current population of India is 1,363,413,725 as of Feb 19, 2019, based on the latest United Nations estimates. • India’s population is 17.74% of the total world population. • India ranks number 2 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population. • The population density in India is 455 per Km2. • 33.6 … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.