Digital electronics and logic gates

Digital Electronics It is a sub-branch of electronics that deals with digital signals. Used in large applications from high-end processor circuits to miniature circuits for signal processing, communication, etc. It is preferred over analog signals for its performance, accuracy, speed, immunity to noise, etc. Analog and Digital Signal Analog signal is varying voltage or current … Read more

Panchayat Raj: Gandhi vs Ambedkar

Gandhi wanted the central government to have less power and wanted the villages to rule themselves traditionally with village chiefs and councilors. According to Ambedkar, the village possessed a cruel reality of communalism and a caste system, which will lead to problems for the minorities. Gandhi through his social and political initiatives facilitated the county … Read more

Need of special privileges

Need of special privileges

Need of special privileges If poor children were not provided with adequate education and proper health care, we are raising hue and cry. We give our voice for justice. First, let us understand what we accept and which we refuse. If a person is treated with great respect on the basis of his caste, language, … Read more

Article 16 (4) of Indian Constitution

This will not prevent any sort of appointment or reservation among backward communities if sufficient representation is not provided. In India, inequality is existing due to the Varna System. According to the Indian Constitution, states which are having low technology or inadequate natural resources can make their own special policies for holistic advancement. In accordance … Read more

Rashtrakutas Administration and Society Upsc

Rashtrakutas Administration and Society Upsc

Administration The Rashtrakuta Empire was divided into several provinces called rashtras under the control of Rashtrapati. They were further divided into vishayas or districts governed by vishayapatis. The subsequent subdivision was bhukti consisting of fifty to 70 villages under the control of bhogapatis. These officers were directly appointed by the central government. The village administration … Read more

O Captain my captain poem Tnpsc

O Captain my captain poem Tnpsc

O Captain! My Captain! Our fearful trip is done, The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won, The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; -4 But O heart! heart! heart! O the bleeding drops o … Read more

curved mirrors ray diagrams

Curved Mirrors There are many types of curved mirrors such as spherical and parabolic mirrors. The most widely used curve is a spherical mirror. The hemispherical spoon is also a curved mirror, it has an inner and outer surface. One side of the spoon is a concave mirror and another side is a convex mirror. … Read more

Affirmative Action and its Impact on Diversity Upsc

Affirmative action in political science

Affirmative Action Affirmative action is a principle to promote societal equality through the preferential treatment of socially and economically disadvantaged people. Mostly, these people are disadvantaged for historical reasons, such as oppression or slavery. Support for affirmative action has sought to achieve a range of goals: For example, a 2017 study found that affirmative action … Read more

Discrimination – Social Basis Theory

As socio–psychologists describe, Human beings identify themselves as part of their group. They felt prestigious and energetic only when they are recognized as a part of their own group. What discrimination means is that out-grouping their own members from the membership of their group or banning their members from accessing natural resources. Indeed, wealth is … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.