Minimum reserve system of Rbi

Minimum Reserve System It is the minimum amount of reserves or assets to be maintained such as gold, forex reserve etc by the central banks to print the money and distribute it to the economy. The money supply in the economy or the central bank should print the money, that exceeds the minimum reserve system. … Read more

Geomorphic Processes Upsc

bringing about changes in the configuration of the surface of the earth are known as geomorphic processes. Diastrophism and volcanism are endogenic geomorphic processes. Weathering, mass wasting, erosion and deposition are exogenic geomorphic processes. The physical and chemical interactions between the Earth’s surface and the natural forces acting upon it to produce landforms.

Know more about Fractionated plateau and Flank zone in Geography for Upsc Exam

Fractionated plateau The fractioned plateau is the longest mountain chain on the earth’s surface submerged under the sea. This plateau is formed when there is spreading of the seafloor is really slow. As the rate of seafloor spreading is very slow, this allows the accumulation of large amounts of lava. The lava forms the fractioned … Read more

Financial relations between centre and state Upsc

Financial relations between centre and state Upsc

Finances are very fundamental in the successful operation of the federal system.Indian constitution distributes financial powers between the union and states in acomprehensive arrangement that is broadly modeled on the 1935 Government of IndiaAct. There are two sources of revenue distributed by the constitution namely Tax Revenue and Non-tax Revenue. A) Tax Revenue Distribution There … Read more

India’s foreign policy basic principles and objectives

The Principle of India’s foreign policy Mutual Respect for each others territorial integrity and Sovereignty. Mutual Non-Aggression Mutal Non-interference Equality and Mutual Benefit Peaceful co-existence These fundamental principles are called Panchsheel or five virtues. This was first formally enunciated in the Agreement on trade between the Tibet region of China and India signed on April … Read more

Post-independence India Upsc notes

India since independence Tnpsc

Post-independence india Post Independence is a period in Indian history. Immediately after India got independence in 1947, the most important task for the Indian leader is draft the constitution of India and also integrate the princely states such as Hyderabad, and regions ruled by other European powers such as Pondicherry etc. Also, the Indian leader … Read more

India as a Secular State, Social Harmony Tnpsc

An alternative to the nation-state, then, is the “state nation”, where various “nations” be they ethnic, religious, linguistic, or indigenous identities can coexist peacefully and cooperatively in a single state polity. Case studies and analyses demonstrate that enduring democracies can be established in polities that are multicultural. Explicit efforts are required to end the cultural … Read more

End of Apartheid in South Africa Upsc

End of Apartheid Apartheid is the highest form of discrimination, which existed in South Africa. That is the places of residence were classified by racial discrimination. Its policy of governance by Whites over Non-white people. The South African people protested against the Apartheid. Nelson Mandela raised their voice against the Apartheid. He also organized agitation … Read more

Postal ballot system upsc

By using the Postal ballot system, the voter can cast their vote remotely by recording their preference on the ballot paper and sending it to the election officer before counting. Allowed Voters to use the Postal Ballot system are: Member of Armed Forces – Army, Navy and Air Force etc. Armed Police Force of the … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.