Types of tides Upsc

Ocean Tides and its types Upsc

The periodical rise and fall of the sea level, once or twice a day, mainly due to the attraction of the sun and the moon, is called a tide. The movement of water caused by meteorological effects (winds and atmospheric pressure changes) are called surges. Surges are not regular like tides. The study of tides … Read more

Ocean waves Upsc

sea waves upsc

Ocean waves Sea Waves are mostly caused by wind. The wind drive waves are called the surface and are formed by the friction between wind and surface water. When the wind blows across the surface of the ocean, the continuous disturbance forms a wave crest. These other types of sea waves also are discussed below. … Read more

Difference between waves tides and ocean currents Upsc

The ocean water is dynamic. Its movements are influenced by Physical characteristics and external forces. Causes of ocean water movement such as Waves, Tides, and Ocean Currents are Temperature, salinity, density, and external forces such as sun, moon, and winds. Difference between waves tides and ocean currents There are two types of movement in Ocean … Read more

Latitude and longitude of India Upsc

Latitude and longitude cordinates

The latitude and longitude coordinates of India are 20.5937° N, 78.9629° E. What is latitude and longitude? Latitude and longitude are a set of lines used to describe the location of any place on earth. The Earth is not a perfect sphere its polar radius and equatorial radius are not the same. There is bulging … Read more

Factors affecting temperature distribution of ocean water Upsc

Horizontal and vertical distribution of temperature in ocean UPSC

The measurement of the degree of hotness or coldness of ocean water is referred to as ocean temperature. Temperature is normally measured in the units of degrees Celsius by thermometers. The major source of heat energy for ocean water is the radiation from the sun. Just like land, the ocean’s water gets heated up by … Read more

International date line Upsc

Idl and arctic circle

International date line and its coordinates Definition It is an imaginary line dividing the surface of the earth, which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole and demarcates the border between one calendar day and the next. It serves as the “line of demarcation” between the two calendar days. Prime meridian Is the … Read more

Art and Architecture of Bahmani kingdom Upsc

Art and Architecture of Bahmani kingdom

Bahmani Kingdom Architecture Bahmani sultans developed an architecture called Persianate-Indo-Islamic. It was well adapted by the Sultanates of the Deccan. Kalaburagi, the first capital of Bahmani is the place where Jami Masjid was built in 1367. It has perhaps the Bazaar Street in the fort, it is one of the earliest of its kind in … Read more

Nationalisation of banks in India Upsc

Nationalisation of banks in India UPSC

Nationalisation of Banks Nationalisation of banks means It is an act of taking a bank and its assets owned by the private sector into the public ownership of a national government by purchasing a majority stake that is more than 50% owned by the government. Reason of Nationalisation of Banks After the Independence, the Government … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.