Drought management in India Upsc

Drought in India Drought is a period of time (months or years) during which a part of the land has a shortage of rain, causing severe damage to the soil, crops, animals, and people. It sometimes causes even death. During drought high temperature is experienced and such conditions may affect our health. The primary cause … Read more

Flood management in India UPSC

Flood disaster management upsc Flood destruction has always brought misery to numerous people, especially in rural areas. Flood results in the outbreak of serious epidemics, especially malaria and cholera. Simultaneously, the scarcity of water also arises. It has a drastic effect on agricultural produce. Sometimes, water remains standing over large areas for a long span … Read more

Landslide disaster Management Upsc

Landslide disaster management in India Upsc

Landslide Landslide definition A landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock debris down a slope. Landslides are caused by the direct influence of gravity. Landslides can be caused by rainfall, snowmelt, stream erosion, flood, earthquakes, volcanic activity, disturbance by human activities, or any combination of these factors. Landslides cause property damage, … Read more

Earthquake disaster management in India Upsc

Earthquake disaster management

What is earthquake disaster management? Earthquake An earthquake is sudden, rapid shaking of the ground caused by the shifting of rocks beneath the earth’s surface. Earthquakes strike suddenly without warning and can occur at any time. The impacts of earthquakes include deaths, injuries, and damage to property. Induced Seismicity Induced seismicity are earthquakes that are … Read more

Fundamentals of Geomagnetism Upsc

Fundamentals of Geomagnetism Upsc

Fundamentals of Geomagnetism The Magnetic field of the earth is also called Geomagnetism. The strength of the Earth’s magnetic field changes from place to place and its value is in order of 10-5 T. The scientific reason for the earth magnetic field is still not satisfactory. Earlier is was the large bar magnet is present … Read more

Types of Volcano and their characteristics Upsc

Types of Volcano and its characteristics The volcanoes are classified based on the nature of the eruption and the form is developed at the surface. The major types of volcanoes are: Shield Volcanoes Composite Volcanoes Caldera Flood Basalt Provinces Mid Ocean Ridge Volcanoes Shield Volcanoes These volcanoes are the largest of all the volcanoes on … Read more

List of environmental acts in India Upsc

Wildlife Protection Act 1972 This law provides protection to wild animals and birds. This is an Act of the Parliament. By this law, protection is provided to wild animals, birds, and plants. This law extends to the whole of India. Its features are the establishment of Wildlife Sanctuaries, National Parts, etc. The next feature is … Read more

Solar power plant in India upsc

Solar power plants in India Solar Power Plant Name State MW Bhadla Solar Park Rajasthan 2245 Pavagada Solar Park Karnataka 2,050 Kurnool Ultra Mega Solar Park Andhra Pradesh 1,000 NP Kunta Andhra Pradesh 978 Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Madhya Pradesh 750 Charanka Solar Park Gujarat 690 Kamuthi Solar Power Project Tamil Nadu 648 Ananthapuramu – … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.