Intrusive and Extrusive volcanic landforms Upsc

Volcanic Landforms The landform formed due to volcanic eruptions is divided into extrusive and intrusive landforms. This is based on the magma, that cools within the crust or above the crust. Intrusive landforms are formed under the surface of the earth when the magma cools and gets solidified. Extrusive landforms are formed when the magma … Read more

Rock cycle and Types of rocks Upsc

Rock cycle and Types of rocks The rock cycle is a continuous process by which the old rocks are transformed into a new one. The changes are caused by various chemical and physical processes. There are three major types of rocks and they are igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks, and metamorphic rocks. Rocks The earth’s crust … Read more

Minerals and rocks Upsc

Minerals and rocks Upsc

Minerals and rocks The earth is made of different kinds of elements and these elements are in solid form in the outer layer and hot and molten form in the interior of the earth. Around 98% of the total crust of the earth is composed of eight elements: Oxygen – 46.6%, Silicon- 27.72%, Aluminium – … Read more

Sources of information about the interior of the earth Upsc

Direct and indirect sources of Earth's interior Upsc

The Earth’s radius is 6370 km. It is practically impossible to reach the centre of the Earth and conduct research on it. Due to this scientists and engineers are collecting information on the Interior of the Earth based on estimates and inferences from various sources arising from the Earth. These estimations are classified as Direct … Read more

Indian Standard Time Upsc

Indian Standard Time Upsc

Indian Standard Time IST that is Indian Standard Time is calculated from 82°30’E meridian passing through Mirzapur. Thereby Indian Standard time is +5.30 Hours from the GMT. Longitude and Time The time of any region or country is calculated based on the longitude of the earth. The earth rotates from west to east, which makes … Read more

NCERT Geography Notes for UPSC

Physical Geography Solar System Earth Latitude and Longitude Motions of Earth – Rotation, Revolution, Inclination of Earth Axis Local and Standard Time International Date Line, Calendar Eclipses Interior of the Earth Source of Information – Direct, Indirect – Earth Quakes Volcanoes, crust, mantle, core etc Rocks Rocks & landform & Soils Rock Cycle – Types … Read more

Rotation and revolution of earth Upsc

rotation and revolution of earth upsc

Rotation and revolution of earth Earth has two types of Motions. They are Rotation and Revolution. Rotation is the movement of the earth on its axis. Earth takes 24 hours for one rotation around its axis. This period of rotation is known as Earthday. Revolution is the movement of the earth around the sun in … Read more

NCERT History syllabus for UPSC

SYLLABUS TOPICS Stone Age Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic – Occupation, Tools, Pottery, Settlements, Lifestyle, Prehistoric Art (Cave paintings). Chalcolithic – Early towns and settlements, Farming Cultures (Ahar, Malwa, Jorwe etc) , Pottery (Ochre colored), Dwelling and Burial practices Indus Valley Civilization- Bronze Age Origin, Geographical Extent, Cities and towns, Urban planning, Important structures, Agriculture, Trade and … Read more

What safety measures should be taken during lightning and thunderstorm?

What safety measures should be taken during lightning and thunderstorm

This post is for the topic of thunderstorms and lightning Upsc. Lightning is an atmospheric electrostatic discharge (spark) accompanied by thunder, which typically occurs during thunderstorms, and sometimes during volcanic eruptions or dust storms. Lightning generates 10-20 ampere current dangers for people in an open area. Lightning strikes often have fatal consequences. On average, 2000 … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.