Atmospheric pressure and its variation Upsc

Atmospheric pressure There is an uneven distribution of temperature, on the surface of the earth. This is because of the heating and as a result, the air expands and gets compressed on cooling. Due to the compression and expansion of Air, variations occur in the atmospheric pressure. This variation in atmospheric pressure is the cause … Read more

Major crops of Tamil Nadu and its primary cultivation region

Major crops of Tamil Nadu

Major crops of Tamil Nadu Agriculture is and continues to be an important sector of Tamil Nadu’s economy. Around 60% of the total population of the state is engaged directly or indirectly in agriculture and its allied sectors. Tamil Nadu has around seven agro-climatic conditions and different soil conditions. That is suitable for the growth … Read more

Major dams in Tamilnadu Tnpsc

Mettur Dam The Mettur Dam was constructed in a gorge, where the river Cauvery enters the plains. Mettur Dam is one of the oldest dams in India. It provides irrigation to Salem, erode, karur, tiruchirappalli, thanjavur, tiruvarur and Nagapattinam. It irrigates 2,71,000 acres of farms. It also serves as a Park, Major Hydroelectric power stations, … Read more

Temperature Inversion Upsc

Inversion of temperature in Geography Usually, the temperature decreases as the elevation increases. It is known as the Normal Lapse Rate. Sometimes, this situation is reversed and the Normal Lapse Rate is inverted. It is called Inversion of Temperature in Geography. It is the rate at which an atmosphere variable, the normal temperature in the … Read more

Horizontal and Vertical distribution of temperature Upsc

Distribution of Temperature Upsc

Distribution of Temperature The global distribution of temperature can well be understood by studying the temperature distribution in January and July. The temperature distribution is generally shown on the map with the help of isotherms. Isotherms geography The Isotherms are lines joining places having an equal temperature. In general, the effect of the latitude on … Read more

Factors controlling temperature distribution Upsc

The temperature of the air at any place is influenced by: the latitude of the place; the altitude of the place; distance from the sea, the airmass circulation; the presence of warm and cold ocean currents; local aspects. The latitude The temperature of a place depends on the insolation received. It has been explained earlier … Read more

Heating and cooling of atmosphere Upsc

Heating and cooling of atmosphere Upsc

Heating and cooling of atmosphere The heating and cooling of the atmosphere happen in the atmosphere in different ways. The earth gets heated due to insolation. Then it transmits the heat using the long waveform to its nearest layer of the atmosphere. The Air which is in contact with land gets heated slowly. Also, the … Read more

Composition and structure of the atmosphere Upsc

Structure of atmosphere The atmosphere consists of different layers with different temperatures and densities. The density of the atmosphere is highest at the surface of the earth and as the altitude increases the density of the atmosphere decreases. The column of the atmosphere has five different layers depending upon the condition of the temperature and … Read more

Chemical composition of Atmosphere Upsc

The Composition of Atmosphere are Gases, Water, Vapour and Dust Particles and the below table shows details of different gases in the air particularly in the lower atmosphere. Next, we’ll look into its chemical composition. Chemical composition of atmosphere In the atmosphere of the earth, the air is a mixture of gases that contains 78% … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.