Make in India Upsc

Make in India Upsc

Make in India is an initiative by the Government of India to make and encourage companies to manufacture in India and incentivize dedicated investments into manufacturing. The policy approach was to create a conducive environment for investments, develop a modern and efficient infrastructure, and open up new sectors for foreign capital. The initiative targeted 25 economic sectors for job creation and skill enhancement, and aimed “to transform … Read more

Last phase struggle for India Independence Upsc

Last phase struggle for India independence

The Second World War and National Movement In 1937 elections were held under the provisions of the Government of India Act of 1935. Congress Ministries were formed in seven states of India. On 1 September 1939, the Second World War broke out. The British Government without consulting the people of India involved the country in … Read more

1857 Revolt Tnpsc

1857 Revolt Tnpsc

The 1857 Revolt sowed the seeds of Indian nationalism, which lay dormant in the subconscious of the Indian people. It started the movement which was a continuous struggle against British rule till 1947. Hence, the nature, character, and causes of this Great Revolt of 1857 should be studied in order to understand the subsequent events. … Read more

India as a Secular State, Social Harmony Tnpsc

An alternative to the nation-state, then, is the “state nation”, where various “nations” be they ethnic, religious, linguistic, or indigenous identities can coexist peacefully and cooperatively in a single state polity. Case studies and analyses demonstrate that enduring democracies can be established in polities that are multicultural. Explicit efforts are required to end the cultural … Read more

End of Apartheid in South Africa Upsc

End of Apartheid Apartheid is the highest form of discrimination, which existed in South Africa. That is the places of residence were classified by racial discrimination. Its policy of governance by Whites over Non-white people. The South African people protested against the Apartheid. Nelson Mandela raised their voice against the Apartheid. He also organized agitation … Read more

Fundamental rights of Indian constitution with articles Tnpsc

fundamenta rights in india upsc

Definition of fundamental rights Fundamental rights are a set of rights that are recognized by the Apex Court (Supreme Court of India) as it requires the highest degree of protection from the government. The Fundamental Rights are also the basic human rights to all citizens that apply irrespective of race, gender, etc. The Fundamental rights … Read more

Basic Child rights in India Upsc

Basic Child rights in India Upsc

Child Rights A child is a person who has completed the age of 18, Minor as per UNO. Child rights are mentioned in Articles 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights. Child rights are accepted and adopted in the UN General Assembly on 20th November 1989. Child rights are rights to Life, family environment, … Read more

Power and function of national and State human rights commission in India Upsc

Human rights commission of India Upsc

National Human Rights Commission It is an autonomous body constituted on 12 October 1993, by the protection of the Human Rights Act, 1993. National Human Rights Commission is responsible for the protection and promotion of Human Rights in India. These human rights are guaranteed by the constitution. Functions of NHRC To inquire about the violation … Read more

Factors affecting wind speed and direction Upsc

factors affecting wind speed Due to atmospheric pressure, the air is set in motion. This is called Wind. This wind flows from a high-pressure area to low pressure area. Apart from the air pressure, the rotation of the earth also influences the rotation of the earth. The force exerted by the rotation of the earth … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.