Shaikhzadas in Mughal empire Upsc

Shaikhzadas in Mughal empire Upsc

Shaikhzadas in Mughal empire The term “Shaikhzadas” generally refers to the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad in Islamic contexts. In the Mughal Empire, where the rulers and a significant portion of the population were adherents of Islam, including many descendants of the Prophet Muhammad, the term could be used to refer to individuals belonging to … Read more

Aqua derivatives, Alchemical symbols for elements, derivatives with Keyboard Unicode

Aqua derivatives, Alchemical symbols for elements, derivatives with Keyboard Unicode

Symbols for Aristotelian elements Keyboard Code (Alt+x) Alchemical Symbol Elements 1F700 ๐Ÿœ€ QUINTESSENCE 1F704 ๐Ÿœ„ WATER 1F701 ๐Ÿœ AIR 1F702 ๐Ÿœ‚ FIRE 1F703 ๐Ÿœƒ EARTH Symbols for Aristotelian elements Symbols for important solvents 1F705 ๐Ÿœ… AQUAFORTIS 1F706 ๐Ÿœ† AQUA REGIA 1F707 ๐Ÿœ‡ AQUA REGIA-2 1F708 ๐Ÿœˆ AQUA VITAE = spiritus vin 1F709 ๐Ÿœ‰ AQUA VITAE-2 … Read more

Foreign Portfolio Investment Upsc

Foreign Portfolio Investment Upsc

Foreign Portfolio Investment It is a grouping of assets such as bonds, stocks, and other cash equivalents. These investments are either held by investors directly or managed by financial professionals. Also, it consists of securities and other financial assets passively held by foreign investors. It is an investment made by a firm or individual in … Read more

Classical dances of India Upsc

Classical dances of India Upsc

Classical dances of India Classical dances of India are recognized by Sangeet Natak Akademi. It includes Bharatanatyam, Katak, Kuchipudi, Odissi, Kathakali, Sattriya, Manipuri and Mohiniyattam. These mentioned dances are major classical dances of India. Also, the Culture Ministry of the Government of India includes Chhau in its classical list. These dances represent a unity of … Read more

Non-Constitutional Bodies Tnpsc

Niti Aayog National Human Rights Commission State Human Rights Commission Central Information Commission State Information Commission Central Vigilance Commission Central Bureau of Investigation Lokpal and Lokayuktas National Investigation Agency National Disaster Management Authority Niti Aayog Niti Aayog is the premier policy think tank of the Government of India. Its function is to foster cooperative federalism … Read more

Indiaโ€™s foreign policy basic principles and objectives

The Principle of India’s foreign policy Mutual Respect for each others territorial integrity and Sovereignty. Mutual Non-Aggression Mutal Non-interference Equality and Mutual Benefit Peaceful co-existence These fundamental principles are called Panchsheel or five virtues. This was first formally enunciated in the Agreement on trade between the Tibet region of China and India signed on April … Read more

Development of science and technology in India after independence upsc

Achievements of India in science and technology after independence Upsc

Development of science and technology in India after independence Independent India has also witnessed tremendous growth in the sphere of science and technology. After 1947, Nehru became aware of the significant role of scientific research and technology in the progress of India. Indiaโ€™s first national laboratory, the National Physical Laboratory was established in 1947. It … Read more

Post-independence India Upsc notes

India since independence Tnpsc

Post-independence india Post Independence is a period in Indian history. Immediately after India got independence in 1947, the most important task for the Indian leader is draft the constitution of India and also integrate the princely states such as Hyderabad, and regions ruled by other European powers such as Pondicherry etc. Also, the Indian leader … Read more

Economic impact of British rule in India Upsc

Effect of British rule on socio-economic factors Tnpsc

This post is written for the topic “Effect of British rule on socio-economic factors Tnpsc“. The Social and Cultural impact includes the abolition of evil social practices such as Sati, Child Marriage, Infanticides, Human sacrifices etc. Also, western ideas such as Human rights, Freedom, Equality, and Liberty were the cultural effect that came along with … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.