Tnpsc group 4 syllabus 2021 in English study material

GENERAL STUDIES UNIT-I: GENERAL SCIENCE:Physics–Nature of Universe–General Scientific laws-Inventions and discoveries-National scientific laboratories-Mechanics and properties of matter-Physical quantities, standards and units-Force, motion and energy- Magnetism, electricity and electronics –Heat, light and sound. Chemistry–Elements and Compounds- Acids, bases and salts – Fertilizers, pesticides, insecticides. Botany–Main Concepts of life science–Classification of living organism–Nutrition and dietetics-Respiration. Zoology–Blood and … Read more

Adjusted net bank credit upsc

Adjusted net bank credit

Adjusted Net Bank Credit is a term used in defining the different targets under Priority Sector Lending. ANBC includes the total credit forwarded by the banks with other investments made by it which are not its financial obligations that represent any outstanding debts or regular payments that a party must make. the total credit includes … Read more

Soil pollution in India Upsc – Causes Effects and Control measures

Soil pollution Upsc

Soil pollution definition Soil pollution is the degradation of land due to the disposal of waste on land. Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 Any substance (solid, liquid or gaseous) that is discharged, emitted or deposited in the environment in such a way that it alters the environment causes land pollution Types of Soil … Read more

Noise pollution causes effects and control measures Upsc

cheerful young woman screaming into megaphone

Noise pollution is an invisible danger, that cannot be seen but it is considered to be a disturbing sound that affects the health of humans and other organisms. Definition“Noise pollution is unwanted or excessive sound that can have deleterious effects on human health and environmental quality. Noise pollution is commonly generated by many factories. It … Read more

Best book for Tnpsc group 4

The Shakti is my personal favourite, as it covers the entire syllabus and the book one can completely rely on. Every year you get more than 70% of questions from this book. I was exposed to this book when I got selected for a free coaching centre for government exams by the Government of Tamil … Read more

Temperate grassland food web and its nature Upsc

Temperate grassland food web Temperature grassland food web basically consists of grasses or shrubs. This region has a large number of herbivores and carnivores. Producers The different species of grasses found in temperate grasslands include purple needlegrass, blue grama, buffalo grass, and galleta. Flowers include asters, blazing stars, coneflowers, goldenrods, sunflowers, clovers, psoraleas, and wild … Read more

Thangka Painting Upsc

Thangka Painting Upsc

Thangka Painting Thangka paintings are commonly practiced in the states of Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Ladakh, and Arunachal Pradesh. Thangka painting plays a significant role in showcasing the artistic traditions of the region. Thangka paintings in Arunachal Pradesh often depict various aspects of Buddhist iconography, including representations of Buddha, Bodhisattvas, and other deities. These intricate paintings … Read more

Folk paintings of India Upsc

Folk paintings of India Upsc

Pattachitra It is traditional paintings of Odisha, where no pencil or charcoal is used but rather a brush is used to draw the outlines. These paintings have themes that are inspired by the Jagannath and the Vaishnava cult. Warli Painting These paintings are by the indigenous people who live in Gujarat and Maharashtra knowns as … Read more

Bahmani Kingdom Culture Upsc

Bahmani Kingdom Culture Upsc

The Bahmani ruler believed that they were the descendants of Iranian legend “Bahman” and also had Persian as their mother tongue. They patronized the culture, literature, language of the Persians, or the Persian way of life. The Alauddin Bahman Shah converted thousands of women and children to Islam who were captured from Carnatic rules. These … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.