Population growth rate by country

Regional division on the basis of growth rate On the basis of the growth rate of a population the world can be divided into the following three types of areas: Areas of Low Growth Rate Developed countries like the US, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and countries of western Europe have a low growth rate … Read more

World population growth causes and consequences

When agriculture was introduced about 8000 to 12000 years ago, the population was small, roughly about 8 million. In the first century (C.E) it was below 300 million. Causes of Population Explosion World trade expanded during the 16th and 17th centuries, setting the stage for rapid population growth. During, the dawn of the Industrial revolution … Read more

Current events for Tnpsc Group 4

Current events for Tnpsc Group 4

What are Current events? Current events include important political or social events that happen right now. Also, it includes those events and issues of interest currently found in the news. What are the topics to cover in current events for the Tnpsc, Upsc and other service exams? History – Revenue system, Land reforms Index and … Read more

Human resource development in India Upsc

Human resource development in India Upsc

Human Resource Development The term ‘Human Resource Development or HRD’ is used in different contexts and with various meanings. According to F.H.Harbison, human resources are “the energies, skills, talent, and knowledge of people which are, or which potentially can or should be applied to the production of goods or the rendering of useful services”. In … Read more

Horticulture Crops in India Upsc

Horticulture Crops in India Upsc

Fruits, vegetables, and flowers are horticulture crops. India is the second-largest producer of Horticulture crops. Apple is mostly produced in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, and Uttarakhand. Banana cultivation is mainly in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra. Orange cultivation is mainly in Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, and Karnataka. Grape cultivation is … Read more

Livestock farming in India Upsc

Livestock farming in India Upsc

One source of income for the farmer helps a lot during crop failure. It contributes 4% of GDP. India contributes 11.6 % of livestock in the world, which is number one. i.Cattle Cattle constitute 37.3 percent of the livestock population in India. India has second-largest cattle population after Brazil. Madhya Pradesh tops with 10.3 % … Read more

Commercial crops in India and its growing areas Upsc

Commercial crops in India Commercial crops are crops that are planted mainly for the purpose of selling on the market to make exports and to make high profits. They are also called cash crop or profit crop that is grown to sell for profit. These crops are usually purchased by third parties such as agents, … Read more

A Detailed Study of Crops in India for Upsc

Crops in India Farming in India is mostly food crops. Foods include Rice, Jowar, Wheat, Bajra, Maize, Barley, Ragi, Gram, and Tur. Rice Rice is an indigenous crop in India and India is the second-largest rice producer in the world after China. It is mainly grown in tropical areas, where the mean temperature is 24 … Read more

Types of farming in India and their main features Upsc

Types of Farming There are primarily six types of farming, particularly practised in India. They are Subsistence farming, Shifting Agriculture, Intensive farming, Dry Farming, Mixed farming and Terrace farming. a) Subsistence Farming Poor farmers with small land holding grow crops with the help of family members with little or no modern inputs. In this type … Read more

How is nuclear energy produced step by step?

How is nuclear energy produced step by step

Nuclear energy produced by using a Nuclear Reactor is a power generation environment where a Control Nuclear Fission reaction is used to produce power. Nuclear energy, a powerful and relatively low-carbon source of electricity, is produced through a complex process known as nuclear fission. This process involves splitting the nuclei of atoms, usually uranium-235 or … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.