Zener diode characteristics and applications

Zener diode characteristics and applications

Zener diode is a reverse-biased heavily doped silicon diode named after the invention by C.Zener. Zener diode is specially designed to operate in the breakdown region. The doping level of silicon diodes can be varied as per breakdown voltages needed from 2V to 1000 V.  The maximum reverse bias applied before entering into the Zener … Read more

What is rectification in electronics?

What is rectification in electronics?

Rectification The process of converting alternating current into the direct current is called Rectification. There are two types of rectifiers, one is a half-wave rectifier and the other is a full-wave rectifier. Half-wave Rectifier Circuit The circuit consists of a transformer, a p-n junction diode, and a resistor. In a half-wave rectifier circuit, either a … Read more

How many types of Semiconductors?

How many types of Semiconductors

There are two types of Semiconductors. They are Intrinsic and Extrinsic semiconductors. Types of Semiconductors Intrinsic Semiconductor Extrinsic Semiconductor Intrinsic Semiconductor A semiconductor in its pure form without impurity is called an intrinsic semiconductor. Here impurity means any other atom in the crystal lattice. Each Silicon atom has four electrons in the outermost orbit and … Read more

Panchayat Raj: Gandhi vs Ambedkar

Gandhi wanted the central government to have less power and wanted the villages to rule themselves traditionally with village chiefs and councilors. According to Ambedkar, the village possessed a cruel reality of communalism and a caste system, which will lead to problems for the minorities. Gandhi through his social and political initiatives facilitated the county … Read more

Valency meaning in chemistry

The electrons present in the outermost shell of an atom are called Valence electrons. From the Bohr-Bury scheme, we find the outermost shell of an atom can accommodate a maximum of 8 electrons. Also, the atoms of the elements show little chemical activity if its outermost shell is completely filled. Also can be said that … Read more

State government structure in India Upsc

State government structure in India Upsc

State government structure in India The state government follows the parliamentary system of government like the central government. Some states have a Bicameral legislature and some states have a Unicameral legislature. The state executive or the state government may consist of: These three executives form the basic structure of government in the states. Kindly check … Read more

Self Respect Movement Tnpsc

Self Respect Movement Tnpsc

Self Respect Movement The self respect Movement is a political movement started by Periyar, in Tamil Nadu, earlier known as Madras Presidency in 1925, with the aim of achieving equal rights for oppressed castes, and rights for women. This movement is a political and social movement aimed at destroying age-old Hindu customs and superstitious activity. … Read more

Need of special privileges

Need of special privileges

Need of special privileges If poor children were not provided with adequate education and proper health care, we are raising hue and cry. We give our voice for justice. First, let us understand what we accept and which we refuse. If a person is treated with great respect on the basis of his caste, language, … Read more

Varna system and Varnashrama dharma Upsc

Varna system and Varnashrama dharma The ancient Indian Civilization evolved with the Varnashrama Dharma that started the principle of hierarchy i.e. Upper and Lower Strata. The Varna system is also called the Four Varna System. According to the Four Varna System, the people were divided into Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vysyas, and Shudras. This form of division … Read more

* * All the Notes in this blog, are referred from Tamil Nadu State Board Books and Samacheer Kalvi Books. Kindly check with the original Tamil Nadu state board books and Ncert Books.