Pallavas Administration Upsc

Pallavas Administration

The Administration of Pallavas were well organized. The state was divided into Kottams. The Kottam were administrated by the officers whom were appointed by the King.

The king was the supreme power and was the fountain of justice. The King provided land grants to the temple called Devadhana.

The King also provided land grants to Brahmin known as Brahmadeya. The Devadhana and Brahmadeya were exempted from tax.

The duty of the king is to provide irrigation facilities to the land. The king constructed several tanks to provide irrigation. The irrigation tanks at Mahendravadi and Mamandoor were constructed during the rule of Mahendravarman-I.

The land tax was the main source of revenue. The brahmins were excempted from paying and non brahmins such as Traders, Artisans, Capenters, Washer men, weavers etc paid taxes.

The village assemblies were called as Sabhas. The Sabhas maintained record of land, local affairs and aalso managed the temples of villages.

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