List of fundamental rights available to foreigners in India

Fundamental rights for foreigners

The Constitutional Foundation

The Constitution of India, adopted in 1950, serves as the supreme law of the land. Part III of the Constitution encapsulates the fundamental rights granted to individuals, irrespective of their nationality. However, the application of these rights to foreigners is nuanced, and understanding the specific articles is crucial.

1. Equality before the Law (Article 14)

The cornerstone of democratic societies, Article 14 ensures equality before the law and equal protection of the laws. Foreigners residing in India are entitled to this fundamental right, emphasizing the nation’s commitment to fairness and justice for all.

2. Protection of Life and Personal Liberty (Article 21)

Article 21 guarantees the right to life and personal liberty, ensuring that no person, including foreigners, is deprived of these rights except according to the procedure established by law. This provision underscores the universal significance of life and liberty.

3. Article 21A: Right to elementary education.

Article 21A is a fundamental right enshrined in the Constitution of India that guarantees free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of six to fourteen years. It was inserted into the Constitution through the 86th Amendment Act, 2002, recognizing the crucial role of education in empowering individuals and contributing to the nation’s development.

4.Article 22: Protection against arrest and detention in certain cases.

Article 22 of the Indian Constitution is a crucial safeguard against arbitrary arrest and detention. It guarantees certain fundamental rights to individuals who are arrested or detained, ensuring due process and protecting their personal liberty.

5.Article 23: Prohibition of traffic and human beings and forced labour.

Article 23 of the Indian Constitution prohibits various forms of exploitation and guarantees dignity and freedom for all individuals. Here’s a breakdown of its key aspects:


Article 23(1):

  • Prohibition of human trafficking: This prohibits the buying and selling of individuals for any purpose, including forced labor, slavery, prostitution, and organ harvesting.
  • Prohibition of forced labor: This includes practices like “begar,” where individuals are forced to work without fair compensation or under threat of punishment.
  • Punishment: Any violation of this provision is punishable by law, ensuring accountability and deterring future violations.

Article 23(2):

  • Exception for public service: This clause allows the state to impose compulsory service for public purposes. However, it emphasizes that such service should not discriminate based on religion, race, caste, class, or any other factor.

6.Article 24: Prohibition of employment of children in factories etc.

Article 24 of the Indian Constitution is a crucial provision that safeguards the well-being of children and protects them from exploitation. Here’s a breakdown of its key aspects:


  • “No child below the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment.”

Key points:

  • Minimum age: This article sets the minimum age for employment in factories, mines, and other hazardous activities to 14 years.
  • Scope: It applies to all factories, mines, and hazardous activities, ensuring broad protection for children.
  • Hazardous activities: While not explicitly defined, the Constitution allows for legislation to determine what constitutes “hazardous employment.”
  • Objective: This article aims to prevent child labor and exploitation, ensuring that children can focus on education and healthy development.

7. Freedom of Religion (Article 25-28)

Foreigners in India are granted the freedom to profess, practice, and propagate their religion, as enshrined in Articles 25-28. This inclusivity reflects India’s secular ethos, promoting religious diversity and harmony.

The Scope and Limitations

While the Constitution extends several fundamental rights to foreigners, it’s essential to recognize certain limitations and exceptions that may apply.

1. Right to Vote (Article 326)

One notable limitation is the right to vote, reserved exclusively for Indian citizens. Despite residing in India, foreigners are not eligible to participate in the electoral process, reflecting a distinction between citizen and non-citizen political rights.

2. Specific Employment Rights

Certain government positions and roles may be restricted to Indian citizens, particularly those involving sensitive matters such as national security. Understanding these limitations provides clarity on the areas where distinctions based on citizenship exist.

Landmark Cases and Legal Interpretations

To comprehend the practical application of fundamental rights to foreigners, examining landmark legal cases is insightful. Cases such as Rajagopal v. State of Tamil Nadu and National Human Rights Commission v. State of Arunachal Pradesh have shaped the jurisprudence surrounding the rights of foreigners in India.

Contemporary Issues and Evolving Perspectives

As India navigates the complexities of a globalized world, the rights of foreigners within its borders continue to evolve. Addressing contemporary issues such as refugee rights, the treatment of foreign detainees, and access to legal remedies provides a snapshot of the ongoing discourse on this subject.


In conclusion, India’s commitment to upholding fundamental rights extends to foreigners residing within its borders. As we’ve explored the constitutional foundation, limitations, landmark cases, and contemporary issues, it becomes evident that the legal framework is dynamic and responsive to the changing needs of a diverse society.

Understanding the list of fundamental rights available to foreigners in India not only facilitates a more inclusive society but also underscores the nation’s commitment to justice, equality, and human dignity. As India continues to be a melting pot of cultures and identities, this exploration of fundamental rights serves as a testament to the nation’s democratic values and its embrace of individuals from all walks of life.

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