Everyday application of the basic principles of Mechanics


Mechanics is a branch of physics that deals with the effect of force on bodies and is divided into static and dynamic mechanics.

Statics: Statics mechanics studies the bodies at rest under the action of forces.

Dynamics: Dynamics mechanics studies the moving bodies under the action of forces. Dynamics are categorised as Kinematics and Kinetics.

Kinematics: Kinematics studies the motion of bodies without considering the cause of movement.

Kinetics: Kinetics studies the motion of bodies considering the cause of movement.

Applications of Mechanics


Gears are wheels with teeth around their rim. Gears help change the speed of rotation of a spin by changing the torque and help to transmit power.


Seasaw in parks. The heavier person lifts the lighter person. This is because when the heavier person comes closer to the pivot point called the fulcrum, the distance of the line of action of force decreases.

This causes less torque to act on it. This lifts the lighter person.

Steering Wheel

This small wheel enables the driver to control the car easily with less effort, by transferring torque to the wheels.