Team work poem by Edgar Albert Guest Tnpsc

It’s all very well to have courage and skill
And it’s fine to be counted a star,
But the single deed with its touch of thrill
Doesn’t tell the man you are;
For there’s no lone hand in the game we play,
We must work to a bigger scheme,
And the thing that counts in the world to-day
Is, How do you pull with the team?
They may sound your praise and call you great,
They may single you out for fame,
But you must work with your running mate
Or you’ll never win the game;
Oh, never the work of life is done
By the man with a selfish dream,
For the battle is lost or the battle is won
By the spirit of the team.
You may think it fine to be praised for skill ,
But a greater thing to do
Is to set your mind and set your will
On the goal that’s just in view;
It’s helping your fellowman to score
When his chances hopeless seem;
Its forgetting self till the game is o’re
And fighting for the team.


The poem “Team Work” by Edgar Albert Guest is a celebration of teamwork and the importance of working together towards a common goal. The poem begins by stating that it is not enough to be a star player or to be counted as a great gun. Instead, the poem argues that the true measure of a person is their ability to work together with others and contribute to the success of the team.

The poem goes on to describe the qualities that make a good team player. These qualities include being always on the spot, having your heart in the game, never shirking a task, being loyal and true, and always being ready to lend a helping hand. The poem concludes by stating that when choosing a man for your team, you should not pick out the star alone, but the man with the heart of gold, who is always on the go.

The poem “Team Work” is a reminder that teamwork is essential for success in any field. Whether you are playing a sport, working on a project, or simply trying to get through the day, it is important to be able to work together with others and contribute to the common good. The poem also reminds us that the qualities that make a good team player are not just about being talented or skilled. They are also about being reliable, trustworthy, and willing to help others.

Here are some of the key messages of the poem:

  • Teamwork is essential for success.
  • The qualities that make a good team player are more important than individual talent.
  • The best team players are always on the spot, have their heart in the game, and never shirk a task.
  • Good team players are loyal, true, and always willing to help others.

The poem “Team Work” is a valuable reminder of the importance of teamwork and the qualities that make a good team player. It is a poem that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds, and it is a poem that can inspire us to be better team players in our own lives.