Article 16 (4) of Indian Constitution

This will not prevent any sort of appointment or reservation among backward communities if sufficient representation is not provided.

In India, inequality is existing due to the Varna System. According to the Indian Constitution, states which are having low technology or inadequate natural resources can make their own special policies for holistic advancement.

In accordance with the existing constitutional provisions, the downtrodden and underprivileged communities were provided with special laws and privileges in all states.

Ideas like all-inclusive development and self-sufficient societal growth highly hinge upon social justice along with special arrangements for the marginalized sections.

Equal opportunity is the process and social arrangement by which social democracy can sustain and pluralism will be strengthened. In such a society different groups of religion, race, and other factors can live with their social identity, tolerance, and shared power.

Economic condition and status are among the reason for the wedge created in European society. Whereas in India, the division is on the basis of Purusasvktha of Rigveda and particularly the four Varna System.

This varna system prevents individuals from their exercise of rights and values. Indian Constitution in this regard is implementing all its supervisory mechanisms and also is delivering distributive justice which is the motto of the largest democracy.

This justice intended to weed out the caste distinction (Varna System) and to establish an equal society in India. The democratic value in the Indian Constitution protects and delegates power to all the people equally to develop themselves in the socio-economic sectors.

Sticking on with these constitutional provisions may lead to social development and further give place for social freedom and justice.

Hence, vibrant social justice in India protects National Integration from which distributive justice and democratic value are concretized. Democracy is being misunderstood in terms of numbers, votes, or the reflection of the majority.

All-inclusive representation is the new thought which is growing in society. Democracy succeeds successfully only in the all-inclusive system.

In such a democratic atmosphere, the fabric of the plurality will be generated. Plural thinking and all-inclusive representations are considered as the bedrock of Indian Democracy.